Suzie Birchwood


Suzie Birchwood

Suzie Birchwood is a Dancer and Dance Educator specialising in diversity and equality in dance.

Using her wheelchair, Suzie has carved out a different method of dancing, pioneering a new approach to classical repertoire. She worked as a guest artist with The Scottish Ballet, Ballet Cymru, Candoco, Stopgap Dance Company and GDance, as well as creating and performing her own works including a double bill at Sadlers Wells.

Driven by her experiences as a disabled dancer, Suzie’s choreography is defined by the discovery and nurture of individuals and their unique movement personalities. The stories that she tells through dance, express the deep link between human bodies and human experiences. Suzie now works to spread a universal approach to dance to the widest possible market through coaching and mentoring disabled artists, teachers and choreographers.

Suzie joined Stopgap as Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees in Winter 2023