Inclusive Dance Intensive

A three-day intensive opening up the company’s current inclusive practice to other like-minded dance artists

[Image description: Nadenh and Laura dance in their wheelchairs with other figures in the studio. The words "Creative Tank" are overlaid and woven into the photo, with Laura's arms reaching through the characters, and the 'K' of 'tank' is tucked into Nadenh's chair.]

[Image description: Nadenh and Laura dance in their wheelchairs with other figures in the studio. The words "Creative Tank" are overlaid and woven into the photo, with Laura's arms reaching through the characters, and the 'K' of 'tank' is tucked into Nadenh's chair.]

Join artists from Stopgap’s core artistic team as they lead a practical dance intensive on the company’s recent studio learnings, and explore what is keeping them curious right now.

These intensives involve an inclusive full company dance class, improvisation, contact dance explorations, task based creativity and the sharing of Stopgap’s inclusive choreographic methods.

We encourage both dancers and choreographers to get involved, as well as practitioners who work inclusively and those who do not yet work in an inclusive way. Much of Stopgap’s inclusive dance lab is about bringing artists together. It is also a chance for us to meet dancers who are interested in working with the company in the future.


A short video of the intensive that took place in 2017. There are 36 disabled and non-disabled dancers from all over the world being instructed by Artistic Director Lucy Bennett and senior artist Chris Pavia. The video shows dancers working on duets, improvisation and solo works.

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