Beyond the waves
Beyond the Waves is a site-specific dance work created by Chris Pavia during his tenure as the Artist in Residence at Watts Gallery in 2021
Beyond the Waves is a site-specific dance work created by Chris Pavia during his tenure as the Artist in Residence at Watts Gallery in 2021
Stopgap performed a dance number with Sigma and Carla Marie to celebrate the achievement of Paralympic Team GB
Here & Where follows Stopgap’s apprentice company Sg2 on their return to the studio after the UK-wide lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
See six striking dancers collide in an uplifting dance riot. In this eccentric dance piece, experience playful observations of the yesteryears that explode into a punkish celebration of individuality and difference
Thoughtful, moving and uplifting, this is a show about saying goodbye and moving on
Part gig, part spectacle, the 50-strong cast travel to and from distant lands with a seafront as the backdrop
Bill & Bobby celebrates a golden time of good old-fashioned entertainment, when dancing together and 'happily ever after' went hand in hand
A collection of eclectic dance miniatures featuring Stopgap’s apprentice company Sg2
The Awakening sees dancers trapped in a strange but mesmerising ritual
Slowly suffocating in each other’s company, a group of individuals seek escape in a bash of riotous rock-n-roll
SPUN Productions takes place within a dream of our misguided hero, Dave....
Trespass was a double bill of Within by Thomas Noone and Splinter by Rob Tannion