SPUN Productions takes place within a dream of our misguided hero, Dave. His monotonous living room is taken over by boisterous characters from a TV show, who subvert his familiar life into bizarre fragments and put him through chaotic tasks. As images of retro TV shows are explored, this vivid production presents a collision of the real with the surreal.
Lucy Bennett
Artistic Direction & Choreography
Lucy Bennett, Kat Davis, Steve Jonstone, Chris Pavia, Anna Pearce, Hannah Sampson, Tom Thomasson, David Willdridge, Tomos Young
Chris Fogg
Mary Drummond
Set Design
Martina Trottmann
Costume Design
Jim Pinchen
Sho Shibata
Musical Score
MacArthur Park’ by Jimmy Webb, used by kind permission of Universal Music Publishing Ltd.
Supported by
Accentuate (the London 2012 Legacy Programme for the South East), The Foyle Foundation, Woking Dance Festival, The University of Winchester and The University of Surrey