Inclusive Community Choreography CPD | inspiring you with new ideas
Enhance your skills and ignite new ideas with this engaging inclusive community choreography workshop.
Enhance your skills and ignite new ideas with this engaging inclusive community choreography workshop.
We're seeking volunteers to help support our weekly youth dance companies across Surrey and Hampshire
Angela Bettoni shares with us some reflections from her placement with Stopgap.
As another year in creative learning draws to a close with our annual Winter Platform, we reflect on the sense of community fostered in our youth companies, sharing all the ways we nurture young disabled dancers and invest in their progression.
Executive Producer Sho Shibata introduces Stopgap’s exciting new digital venture that will help us deepen our engagement with all types of children.
Content and Access Artist Lily asks the question ‘How can autistic and learning-disabled artists be empowered to develop and progress their creative voice and practice?’.
Join us on the 15th of February for a day of inclusive dance fun!
Considering the impact of the pandemic on inclusive dance education, featuring insights from Stopgap’s Creative Learning artists
We follow up our top tips for teaching online class with tips for participating from home
Artistic Director Lucy Bennett tells us more about IRIS, Stopgap’s inclusive dance syllabus; how it started and what we hope it can achieve.
Fin shares five ways to help any dancer stay strong and healthy during over the summer.
As the new Sg2 have their induction day Hannah offers some of her top tips...
We hear from Hannah as she talks about her experience of teaching rep from The Awakening as part of an ISTD Springboard workshop at Urdang Academy in April.
Stopgap Dance Company is delighted to announce that their recent work, Artificial Things is part of the new specification for GCSE Dance.
Chris has been creating choreographic tasks to inspire Guildford Youth Company for their upcoming performance at our Winter Platform.
Artistic Director Lucy Bennett responds to the article 'How I shamed the ballet world' by Chief Political Correspondent of The Daily Telegraph. This response is also published by South East Dance's Everybody Issue in August 2015.
Company Producer Sho Shibata responds to the article 'How I shamed the ballet world' by Chief Political Correspondent of The Daily Telegraph. This response is also published by The RAD Gazette in October 2015.
Imogen Aujla PhD, Senior Lecturer in Dance and Course Coordinator MSc Dance Science at the University of Bedfordshire, writes about the well-being outcomes of dance and the positive impact our inclusive syllabus IRIS could have in promoting physical and mental health for disabled people.
Julia, the company’s Research Assistant, writes a blog about Stopgap’s guest appearance on the main stage at Move it, the UK’s biggest dance exhibition which takes place annually at Olympia, London.
Julia, IRIS Research Associate, reflects on the first meetings for Stopgap’s pilot dance training programme for young disabled and non-disabled dancers.